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Rest in peace, Fletcher

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#1 telemaniak


    In our shoes

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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Москаль

Отправлено 27 Май 2022 - 01:46

Один из основателей музыкальной группы Depeche Mode Энди Флетчер умер в 60 лет. 

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16.06 Rome, 18.06 Milano, 04.02 SPb, 06.02 Msk, 26-27.02 Dusseldorf

#2 telemaniak


    In our shoes

  • Пользователи
  • PipPipPip
  • 332 сообщений
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Москаль

Отправлено 27 Май 2022 - 01:53

Они все сговорились что ли сегодня?
Deadline: умер американский актёр Рэй Лиотта, Умер ударник британской рок-группы Yes Алан Уайт. Кошмарный денек...

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16.06 Rome, 18.06 Milano, 04.02 SPb, 06.02 Msk, 26-27.02 Dusseldorf

#3 Wef



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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:где-то на Марсе

Отправлено 27 Май 2022 - 22:59

Покойся с миром, Флетч.


Прикрепленный файл  Флетч.jpg   80,96К   1 Количество загрузок:


25 февраля 2018 года, Москва, публикую впервые.

Сообщение отредактировал Wef: 27 Май 2022 - 22:59

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#4 schizo[id]mix



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  • Город:USSR

Отправлено 28 Май 2022 - 02:37

Хорош глумится над Умершим ... Ещё одну Тему создайте ...
  • -1
"... я вас не призываю в свой мир. Оставайтесь в своём. Только меня туда тащить не надо ... " (с) х/ф "Духless"




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  • Пол:Женщина
  • Город:SPb

Отправлено 28 Май 2022 - 17:39

Пусть будет здесь. Для истории.
Участницы проэкта Client почтили память Энди Флетчера.

Sarah Blackwood:
"I can’t believe it’s only 3 months since I said goodbye to the other significant Andy in my life. I’m utterly devastated I’m saying goodbye to Fletch too. It’s too just much.
I first met Fletch in Warsaw after being offered a last minute support slot on the Exciter tour in 2002. There was a sense of hysteria in the air. I was terrified as it had been a good couple of years since my last live show with Dubstar, and it was going to be the biggest audience I had ever played infront of. Fletch recognised my nerves, took me under his wing and gave me a pre gig talking to with the immortal words “Saz, they may throw things, like lemons. If they throw coins, they hurt so stay still, but if they throw shit- run” before gently shoving me onstage to face 40000 chanting Depeche Mode fans. What followed was the most glamorous and exciting time of my life I’ll be forever grateful for. Depeche Mode and Andy inparticular were so gracious and welcoming and protective. We never felt like a support band. They invited us on the jet with them, we stayed in the same hotels, we were a part of the team and it felt utterly wonderful.
We formed Client, Andy started Toast Hawaii after his favourite pizza and we joined forces. He DJ’d as our opening act spending hours polishing his records and preparing his set, he was an absolute perfectionist, and we went all over Europe taking in Russia, Turkey and Mexico along the way. Unforgettable times……although I never actually saw him eat a pizza let alone one with pineapple on…….
It’s no secret I was struggling with drink. Andy could see I was torn between the desire to be healthy and fit whilst simultaneously trying to destroy myself, so he did everything he could to encourage the former- we used to go to the gym together and he planted seeds and encouraged me to think about a PT qualification whilst also doing his best to take care of me and collect the pieces when I was on self destruct mode. His support meant a lot. He was kind. He was generous and thoughtful. He always tried to find a way and help others find theirs too, whether through a creative blockage or life in general. I was so lucky to have benefited from his encouragement. He gave great pep talks and considered post gig analysis. He was stylish. And so very fond of terrible jokes, practical or otherwise. Fletch was Client F. I hadn’t seen him for a while. Always hoped our paths would cross again so I could at least say thank you.
My heart goes out to Grainne, Megan and Joe and the Depeche Mode family. Sending so much love".

Kate Holmes:
"We signed to Andy Fletchers label Toast Hawaii after touring with Depeche on the “Exciter” tour and put out our first Client album in 2003 . I have so many amazing memories of this time and will always remember Andy’s great sense of humour - so many stories to remember - all the best go young
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  • Пол:Женщина
  • Город:SPb

Отправлено 28 Май 2022 - 17:48

А также вот, организатор всех питерских концертов депешей, Евгений Финкельштейн, поделился своими воспоминаниями о приездах depeche mode в Петербург и об Энди:
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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Москва

Отправлено 28 Май 2022 - 21:48

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