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Yazoo ( Yaz )

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#41 Stories of old

Stories of old

    Старая гвардия

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Отправлено 27 Октябрь 2007 - 04:01

какая же она страшная....кошмар просто...
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Котлетник, забывший протереть очки.

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Отправлено 19 Декабрь 2007 - 17:45

From www.side-line.com :

Yazoo prepares for reissue albums and first live gig in 25 years

Mute is back in reissue mode as they plan to reissue both albums of the short-lived but highly successful English synthpop duo Yazoo (known as Yaz in the USA) consisting of Vince Clarke (Depeche Mode, Erasure, ...) and Genevieve Alison Moyet (otherwise known as Alf). Both 1982's "Upstairs at Eric's" and 1983's "You and Me Both" will be re-released next year, remastered and posibly in combination with a DVD attached though details are still missing. You can already check out the band's first official website hub at www.yazooinfo.com or at MySpace at www.myspace.com . For the time being you can subscribe to the official Yazoo newsletter which will start early next year. According to British Channel 4's teletext the band would also plan a live gig to promote the re-releases. More news as we get it.

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#43 +Ed+


    the Beast

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Отправлено 25 Декабрь 2007 - 14:29


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Music is the only relationship I've repeatedly fucked up, that lets me still come home to her. ©

Время когда обрушится — Звёзды тебе достанутся.




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Отправлено 28 Декабрь 2007 - 23:07

В продолжение темы:
[attachment=1737:attachment] [attachment=1738:attachment] [attachment=1739:attachment] [attachment=1740:attachment] [attachment=1741:attachment] [attachment=1742:attachment] [attachment=1743:attachment][attachment=1744:attachment] [attachment=1745:attachment] [attachment=1746:attachment] [attachment=1747:attachment] [attachment=1748:attachment] [attachment=1749:attachment] [attachment=1750:attachment][attachment=1751:attachment] [attachment=1752:attachment] [attachment=1753:attachment] [attachment=1754:attachment] [attachment=1755:attachment] [attachment=1756:attachment] [attachment=1757:attachment][attachment=1758:attachment] [attachment=1759:attachment] [attachment=1760:attachment] [attachment=1761:attachment] [attachment=1762:attachment]
Винс в составе The assembly :
[attachment=1763:attachment] [attachment=1764:attachment] [attachment=1765:attachment] [attachment=1766:attachment]
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#45 abs



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Отправлено 05 Апрель 2008 - 12:47

Ахринеть!!!!!! я так рад!!!! :rolleyes:


Update from Yazoo's MySpace Blog:

’In Your Room’ & ’Nobodys Diary’ Track Listing & Release Date
Category: Music

’In Your Room’, the highly anticipated Yazoo 4 disc box set is to be released in the UK/Europe on 26th May 2008.

The box set features remastered and 5.1 mixes of both Yazoo’s classic albums ’Upstairs At Eric’s’ and ’You And Me Both’, b-sides and remixes.

In addition the DVD features classic Yazoo television performances from the BBC, promotional videos and a new short film containing exclusive new interviews with Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet.

This will be proceeded by a 12" vinyl release of ’Nobodys Diary’ on the 12 May 2008. Record Store will be doing a 12" and digital bundle offer including an exclusive mix - "Nobody’s Diary – Soil In The Synth Remix".

’In Your Room’ 4 Disc Box Set Track Listing

Disc 1 (CD): Upstairs at Eric’s (Remastered)
Don’t Go
Too Pieces
Bad Connection
I Before E Except After C
In My Room
Only You
Goodbye ’70s
Winter Kills
Bring Your Love Down (Didn’t I)

Disc 2 (CD): You And Me Both (Remastered)
Nobody’s Diary
Softly Over
Sweet Thing
Mr Blue
Good Times
Walk Away From Love
Ode To Boy
Happy People
And On

Disc 3 (CD): B-Sides and Remixes
Situation (Extended Version)
Don’t Go (Re-mix)
Don’t Go (Re-re-mix)
Situation (US 12" Mix)
Situation (US 12" Dub)
The Other Side Of Love
The Other Side Of Love (12" Remix)
State Farm
Nobody’s Diary (Extended)
State Farm (Extended)
Situation (Re-recorded)

Disc 4 (DVD)
2 albums, 4 singles and that was it...
A short film featuring new interviews with Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet, and exclusive archive footage.

Promotional Videos
Don’t Go
The Other Side Of Love
Nobody’s Diary
Situation (1990)
Situation - Alternative Version (1990)
Only You (1999)

Yazoo At The BBC
Only You (Top Of The Pops) 29 Apr 1982
Only You (Cheggers Plays Pop) 24 May 1982
Don’t Go (Top Of The Pops) 15 Jul 1982
Don’t Go (Saturday Live) 24 Jul 1982
Don’t Go (Top Of The Pops) 12 Aug 1982
The Other Side Of Love (Top Of The Pops) 25 Nov 1982
The Other Side Of Love (Top Of The Pops) 09 Dec 1982
Nobody’s Diary (Top Of The Pops) 19 May 1983
Nobody’s Diary (Top Of The Pops) 02 Jun 1983

5:1 And Stereo Mixes
Upstairs At Erics
You and Me Both

Nobodys Diary EP Track Listing

Nobodys Diary : Limited Edition 12" Vinyl
Nobody’s Diary (Andy Bell / JC Remix)
Nobody’s Diary (Original Remaster)
Nobody’s Diary (Koishii and Hush Remix)

Nobodys Diary : Digital Download
Nobody’s Diary (Original Remaster)
Nobody’s Diary (Andy Bell / JC Remix)
Nobody’s Diary (Koishii and Hush Remix)
Nobody’s Diary (GRN’s 12" Remix)

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#46 Rome Rose

Rome Rose

    try walking in my shoes

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Отправлено 05 Апрель 2008 - 22:08

Ахринеть!!!!!! я так рад!!!! rolleyes.gif

Куда едешь? ;)
  • 0
Prague 25.06.2009, Kiev 08.02.2010, Prague 23.07.2013, Warsaw 25.07.2013, Vilnius 27.07.2013, Riga 02.03.2014, Moscow 07.03.2014, Budapest 22.05.2017, Prague 24.05.2017, Moscow 15.07.2017,  Milan 29.01.2018, Moscow 25.02.2018 
    • to be continued ... ;)  
...forever young.
'Выше Depeche Mode только Depeche Mode!' ©

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Отправлено 06 Апрель 2008 - 19:38

Выбор небольшой ...но куда нибудь постараюсь...
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#48 Kern



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Отправлено 06 Апрель 2008 - 20:19

Не так давно пополнила свою библиотеку альбомом Yazoo...
Честно говоря, с первого раза не совсем пошел, я не буду говорить, что не понравилось, видимо это из той оперы: "Прослушай раз 16 и поймешь..." Одно могу сказать, точно Only You - действительно заслуживает статус хита...
Напишу может еще что-нибудь после 16-ого прослушивания :) .
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"Творческий чел, он и когда болеет...творческий" (с) independent

#49 Vandemar



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Отправлено 07 Апрель 2008 - 20:56

Ну что же, Язу очень слушабельная вещь но ИМХО именно благодаря великолепному вокалу Алисон и самим мелодиям, тогда как неприятные для уха дергающие тынц-тынц Кларка приходится просто терпеть. А если вспомнить, что например на сборничке хитов, там, где два манекена, солидное количество песен, написанных самой Алисон...
Что я еще хотел сказать, те же самые хиты Кларка, написанные для Язу, но в исполнении Белла - проигрывают, проигрывают.
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Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. © IM

Now, onwards. Things to do. People to damage. © Mr Croup

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Отправлено 13 Май 2008 - 21:39

12 мая 2008 года вышел в свет новый релиз от группы YAZOO


A. Nobody's Diary (Andy Bell & JC Remix)
A. Nobody's Diary (Original Remaster)
AA. Nobody's Diary (Koishii & Hush Remix)

1. Nobody's Diary (Original Remaster)
2. Nobody's Diary (Andy Bell & JC Remix)
3. Nobody's Diary (Koishii & Hush Remix)
4. Nobody's Diary (GRN's 12" Remix)
5. Nobody's Diary (Soil In The Synth Remix) - MUTE BANK EXCLUSIVE

послушать эти треки можно на http://www.myspace.com/yazooofficial

Элисон Мойет В Передаче "This Morning"

7 мая Элисон Мойет приняла участие в программе канала ITV "This Morning". Она дала интервью и исполнила песню "Don't Go" со своими музыкантами. Нажмите сюда, чтобы посмотреть как это было. http://uk.youtube.co...h?v=uFKRTDfeceM

Выступление Yazoo На BBC One

Я рад сообщить, что Yazoo (Винс Кларк и Элисон Мойет) выступят на ток-шоу канала BBC One "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross" в пятницу, 16 мая.

Звёздными гостями вечера также станут: Сара Джессика Паркер (Sarah Jessica Parker), Эндрю Марр (Andrew Marr) и актёр Энтони Хед (Anthony Head).

Практически сразу после выхода в эфир, шоу можно будет посмотреть в интернете, с помощью плеера BBC (а также с помощью услуги Virgin Media "Catch Up"). Кроме этого, шоу повторно будет показано по BBC One в ночь с субботы на воскресенье - с 17 на 18 мая в 1:50 (4:50 по Москве).

BBC One: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone/
iPlayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/

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#51 alexbarton



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Отправлено 17 Май 2008 - 17:16

Да что деется.Элисон практически внешне не изменилась , только пышнее стала и голос осип, ну вообще-то ничего интересного, вот бы что нибудь новенького захреначили...
хотя 15 песен у меня в "эмпэшке" всегда есть, типа "Ode To Boy" ну а убийственная песня "Winter Kills" - мурашки по коже....
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Если мы не умеем делать , как нам хочется , надо делать как можется.

#52 Stories of old

Stories of old

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Отправлено 17 Май 2008 - 23:50

сейчас обсуждается вопрос насчет записи нового сингла между Кларком,Элиссон и Бэллом)))) Будет бомба))) если будет конечно...
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Котлетник, забывший протереть очки.

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Отправлено 19 Май 2008 - 21:28


Свеженькое интервью газете The SUN


Published: 16 May 2008

IT has been 16 years since Yazoo duo Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet last met.

As they sit in a Soho private members’ club, the pair reminisce, share news and photos of their kids.

Yazoo are back together for one reason only — unfinished business.

They formed in 1981 when songwriter Vince, who had quit Depeche Mode, asked Alison — aka Alf — to sing his new tracks. But when they split two years later, they hadn’t spoken for months.

Announcing their break-up on the eve of second album, You And Me Both, the short-lived partnership never had the chance to perform these songs together live.

With a box set out soon and a world tour about to kick off, they talk to JACQUI SWIFT about the comeback.

HOW does it feel to be back after 26 years and meeting up for the first time in 16?

Alison: We have a lot of catching up to do! It was weirder this morning when we first met, a bit emotional.

Vince: I am jet-lagged, I flew in from America (where he now lives) yesterday at 7pm and was up at 5am.

How and why did you reform?

Alison: Yazoo’s songs are a body of work I cannot perform without Vincent, which has been a loss for me as I’ve wanted to see what those songs sounded like live.

I contacted him but he was still very busy with Erasure. I let it be known he wasn’t interested and he let it be known he wasn’t available!

Vince: But then Andy Bell (Erasure singer) wanted to take two years off so I got in touch with Alison and it all just came together.

Critics will say you’re another group jumping on the reunion bandwagon. How much of an influence was money?

Alison: None. Vince has been in Erasure for a long, long time and I’ve done incredibly well too. It’s about developing a creative key moment that was stunted.

You And Me Both marked the end of Yazoo. Why?

Vince: We pretty much recorded it separately. We just weren’t communicating. I haven’t heard it for 25 years.

Alison: We already knew we were splitting up before we started recording that album.

What was the cause of the communication breakdown?

Alison: We didn’t so much stop talking as never really start! We went into the studio and did music until he fell over with fatigue and I went home.

All I remember was Vince wanted to call it a day. He’d come out of this relationship with Depeche Mode, then Yazoo started and it worked so well . . . becoming much too big for us.

Any regrets?

Vince: I regret not taking time to get to know Alison as a person. I was a very shy and unsociable person.

Alison: I was the same except I expressed it in different ways. Whereas he was very quiet, I was more outwardly aggressive.

Alison, how did you feel when Erasure went on to be so huge?

Alison: Erasure’s success affirmed my lack of confidence as a social being. After Yazoo split up, I was envious of Andy Bell. I wanted to know what it was about him. I had a chip on my shoulder until I met him. He is a warm and brilliant bloke and then I wanted everything to go well for Erasure.

What’s your treasured memory from Yazoo?

Alison: The release of our first single Only You. I never thought I’d have a demo, let alone a charting record. It was, ‘F*****G HELL! I am on a record in the charts!’

Vince: When my mum heard our first demo of Only You she said it would be a big hit. That’s a special memory to me . . . and she was right.

Yazoo’s UK tour begins on June 4 at Glasgow Clyde Auditorium. Four-disc box set In Your Room is out on May 26.

Выступление на "Friday Night With Jonathan Ross"
Винс - красава))))

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#54 abs



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Отправлено 27 Май 2008 - 09:42

Вчера в Копенгагене начался концертный тур группы Yazoo

set list

nobody`s diary
bad connection
ode to boy
goodbye 70`s(stopped alf was singnig the wrong )
goodbye 70`s
too pieces
in my room
i e before except after c-intermission tape
statefarm (stopped alf was sining wrong)
winter kills
bring your love down
don`t go

only you

лично меня очень впечатляет!!!. буду искать бутлеги)))
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#55 +Ed+


    the Beast

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Отправлено 27 Май 2008 - 12:27

обалденно просто...

Неужто и впрямь решили взяться за старое?))
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Music is the only relationship I've repeatedly fucked up, that lets me still come home to her. ©

Время когда обрушится — Звёзды тебе достанутся.

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Отправлено 27 Май 2008 - 14:25

Фоты из Дании.

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#57 +Ed+


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Отправлено 27 Май 2008 - 14:30

Винсент Кларк собственной персоной и Колобог! Вот это да!

Алексей, нет ли слухов, что они заедут и в Россию?
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Music is the only relationship I've repeatedly fucked up, that lets me still come home to her. ©

Время когда обрушится — Звёзды тебе достанутся.

#58 abs



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Отправлено 28 Май 2008 - 22:03

Алексей, нет ли слухов, что они заедут и в Россию?

:ph34r: :ph34r: увы увы...хотя я конечно надеюсь....

а сейчас радостная новость. появились первые видеоотрывки с концерта в Копенгагене.

Only You
Sweet Thing
State Farm
Bring Your Love Down

http://ifolder.ru/6759450 30Мб

файлы с расширением *flv их должен читать любой проигрыватель. наслаждайтеся
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#59 +Ed+


    the Beast

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Отправлено 28 Май 2008 - 22:17

Алексей, нет ли слухов, что они заедут и в Россию?

:ph34r: :ph34r: увы увы...хотя я конечно надеюсь....

а сейчас радостная новость. появились первые видеоотрывки с концерта в Копенгагене.

Only You
Sweet Thing
State Farm
Bring Your Love Down

http://ifolder.ru/6759450 30Мб

файлы с расширением *flv их должен читать любой проигрыватель. наслаждайтеся

Их читает флв плеер.

  • 0
Music is the only relationship I've repeatedly fucked up, that lets me still come home to her. ©

Время когда обрушится — Звёзды тебе достанутся.

#60 abs



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Отправлено 29 Май 2008 - 07:08

Вот здесь можно посмотреть концерт



Копенгаген 27.05.2008


вот здесь много концертных фотографий
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